Beauty & Lifestyle blog

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Bank holiday walk

We didn't really have a lot planned for this bank holiday Monday but since it's a day off the dreaded work and it was reasonably sunny, we thought we'd go for a little bit of forest bathing- something I recently read about in a magazine (not as strange as it sounds!;))

We decided to head over to Fleet Pond (the biggest pond in Hampshire according to my Dad!). Now, I am quite a 'townie girl' and rarely venture away from the towns and cities, so the pure peace and quiet as you walk through woodland reserve around the pond just seemed like a lovely break from the hustle and bustle of town. It really is a chance to just breathe deeply and know the air you are breathing is so much purer and cleaner than the smelly polluted town. 
However, the pond is still adjacent to a train line which can often ruin the peace every so often, but when you stand and look at the view and all the nature around you, it is somewhat unrecognisable.  

I could have sat and watched the ducks all day and there were plenty of tiny, fluffy little ducklings to 'coo' and 'ahh' over. (I certainly won't be eating duck at the Chinese later!). 

It was an afternoon well spent making the most of the little summer we have left and getting out and away from town. I always say every year as 'summer' approaches, that I will make the most of it and visit lots of nice places as we probably only get about two weeks of sunshine in the summer in England (if that!!). I definitely feel I have seen as much as I can of the sunny days we have had (although most of them are spent stuck at work- typical!). 

I hope anyone reading has had a lovely bank holiday weekend and enjoyed the small (but still welcome) amount of sunshine while it lasts!!

Abbie x


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