Beauty & Lifestyle blog

Sunday, 8 January 2017

2016 Makeup Faves

2016 was a strange year. I'm not going to say it was a bad year because I don't ever think we should regret anything that happens in life or look upon a whole year negatively because of a few bad things happening. In 2016 my makeup and beauty interest became more of an obsession! I don't really wear makeup during the week at work, so I tried to make more of an effort at weekends as makeup is something I really enjoy doing. Anyway, less of the rambling... here are my 2016 makeup favourites!

Loreal Telescopic False Lash Mascara
I have probably used this mascara for more than just a year as it feels like it's been my favourite for ages! I use this mascara every day and it is just the best! I have purchased different mascaras a few times just to try and change things up but i've never stuck to using them like I do with this one and I always go back to this one! It gives my lashes an amazing lift, volume, length- everything you could possibly want!

Mac Pro Longwear Concealer- NC15
This is a product I discovered in 2016. I had always heard loads of good things about it but I just couldn't justify spending £18 on concealer when I had been spending £3-4 on the much raved about Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer. I was in duty free at the airport and I just thought 'stuff it, i'm going to try it'. I have loved it and used it every day since. The bottle does last a good long while as well so the £18 is deffo worth it in my opinion! I did love the Collection concealer but I have definitely found this Mac one to last a lotttttt longer on my skin! The coverage is great, lasting power is great- what more could you want?

Zoeva Silk Finish Brush
I have, again, been using this brush for longer than a year so I had to include this in my 2016 favourites as I have literally used it every single time i've applied makeup! It has lasted so well and washes really well. (Check out my 'How I Wash My Makeup Brushes' post to see how I wash it). I use it for foundation application, bb creams etc and it blends it in really well, not to mention, it is super duper soft!!

Soap and Glory Brow Archery- Brownie Points
Again, I have used this for years! I haven't changed it up and used anything different for years which just shows how much I love it! I do get through these pencils pretty quick so a bit more product would be nice as they are about £11. I don't really use the tint side unless I want a darker look to my brows. The pencil side is easy to use, a perfect match for my brows (before I discovered this one, I found most other brown brow pencils to be a little reddish tint which I dont like), and it lasts well.

Bourjois Bronzing Primer
I purchased this just before going on holiday as I thought it would be a nicer alternative to using powder bronzers as it is a lot dewier looking on the skin. I don't really use it as a primer, I tend to just use this without going over it with powder bronzer as it blends out really well, even now, when I'm really pale! This tub has lasted me ages as I've had it for about a year and a half now and it's still going strong even being used every day!

Rimmel Stay Matte Powder- Translucent
I'm sure this is most peoples favourite powder- it's cheap, it works and there's nothing more to it! I use this every day on my t-zone to keep my face looking shine free, and it does just that whilst still letting a slight healthy, dewy look come through!

What was your most used makeup product of 2016?

Abbie x



  1. I have used the Rimmel Powder, MAC Concealer and L'Oreal Mascara for years. The mascara is the best drugstore mascara I have found.

    EmmysBeautyCave | Blog Header Designs | Instagram

    1. They're all sooo good aren't they?! Yeah, me too! I actually prefer it over a few Mac mascaras i've tried to be honest! Hope they never discontinue it! Thanks for commenting x


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