Beauty & Lifestyle blog

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Collective Fashion Haul

I've been a bit naughty recently! I'm usually not sold on many trends and go through phases where I hate everything in the shops. So, when I find things I like, I don't hesitate much to buy them as I don't really buy clothes and fashion items that often! I've been trying to add more staple pieces into my wardrobe that I know I will get loads of wear out of and will go with lots of different looks!

As you will be able to tell from this haul, I'm a bit of a grey lover! I just think it's a really easy colour to wear and goes with the other colours in my wardrobe which are mainly black and white (what a surprise!).  

I love this grey t-shirt from Primark- it's so simple yet has a lovely feminine touch with the lace detail on the sleeves! I can see myself wearing this a lot when the weather is a little warmer with black ripped skinnies or perhaps a pleather skirt to add an edge to it! This was only £6 so I knew I had to add this to my growing collection of grey t-shirts!

I will be totally honest and say I'm still really undecided on these studded flats! I really like them but I'm not sure I'm 'cool' enough to pull them off and I'm struggling to put them with an outfit! They had these in a nudey pink colour which were really nice and almost Valentino look-alikes but they were patent all over which isn't my thing. I don't know- maybe I'll keep these and just try to team them with something I feel comfortable in as they are a little out of my comfort zone for shoes! These were £10 , so again, another bargain! 

Oh, and another pair of shoes!! I bought these mainly for my holiday in a few weeks time! I thought these would dress up some of my evening outfits a bit as I usually stick to sandals. I love these and I'm so glad I grabbed these when I did as I think they will sell out really fast! These will be perfect in the summer months to dress up an outfit. I feel like they could be worn during the day or night as they aren't too high and feel quite comfy, yet are dressy enough for evening drinks etc. These were £13 and also from Primark!

Now, this was a slightly naughty purchase but one that I don't regret! My Fiance and I took a little trip to Gunwarf Quays shopping outlet recently and I found myself in Kurt Geiger falling in love with pretty much everything! I found a black bag (similar to this Grey one that I ended up getting) which was a little smaller than the one pictured and had a gold chain shoulder strap. I really liked it but decided this one would be more practical and I'd get way more use out of it! It feels such amazing quality and really sturdy and I cannot wait to start using this and styling it up with some outfits! 

I also found myself in Topshop having a little browse recently. I don't often shop in there anymore as I find a lot of their stuff pretty pricey for what it is (I find some almost identical pieces in Primark for a fraction of the price!). However, I found this beautiful peachy, baby pink colour lace detail jumper and I instantly knew I had to have it! I tried it on and loved it even more. I have worn it soooo much since I bought it and I absolutely adore the cut out scallop detail shoulders as I feel it makes the jumper a lot more Spring appropriate! (By the way, excuse the black cami top peeping through the lace in the top picture- I would normally wear a nude coloured cami or none at all haha!!). I got this jumper for £25 reduced from £39! 

As I was rummaging through the different sizes, I found loads more lovely jumpers (all reduced!) behind the pinky one- why do shops do this!? It's like they don't want you to find their clothes so they hide them behind others on the rails! Anyway... I found this grey jumper, again, with cut out details on the shoulders (I love this trend at the moment!). This one was also £25 reduced from £36. I am yet to wear this one but I think the cut out detail along with quite a high neck is so flattering. 

So there we go- I think I now need to be on a spending ban (we all know that won't happen!)...

Let me know where your favourite place to shop is at the moment in the comments!

Abbie x


1 comment

  1. I adore that Topshop jumper with the cut outs and the lace it is perfect for Spring, such a lovely colour too! You picked up some lovely bits! x


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