Beauty & Lifestyle blog

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Current Top 5 Autumn Skincare Picks

When it comes to Autumn/Winter, I think it's really important to take a look at your current skincare routine and products and have a little change up if needs be. As it gets a little colder and the heating gets wacked on (don't tell me you haven't given in and put it on over the past few days!;)), our skin tends to get a little dryer. I am aware that this isn't the case for everyone and to be honest, there isn't ever a drastic change in my skin. I have quite oily skin to begin with so I don't really suffer with any dryness or patches although my skin does get a tiny bit more dehydrated feeling and a little tight. I have changed up a few things in my skincare routine for the colder months that are creeping up on us super fast!

I like to add my Liz Earle Gentle Face Exfoliator back into my routine along with my usual favourtie moisturiser which is the Liz Earle Skin Repair Moisturiser for normal/combination skin. For any dry patches I might get, I like to use a little layer of Sudocrem and it is also a godsend for any breakouts I may have as I've found it really helps to bring down inflammation and redness. Sudocrem really is a great multitasker as it can be used for so many things and over the past few years has become a must in many peoples skincare favourites. I remember when it was just 'a nappy rash cream' but it really is amazing for soooo many other things. I sometimes get really rough, dry patches on my elbows and knees and I just pop a bit of Sudocrem on and it soothes it overnight. 
I have been loving the Dove Derma Spa moisturiser for keeping my skin in great condition and super soft! It also smells absolutely amazing which is always a bonus!
Finally, The Body Shop Oils of Life has been a favourtie of mine for about a year. I bought this last winter and loved it all throughout the colder months. I stopped using it through summer as I went through a phase of horrible breakouts and needed some more sensitive skin targeted products. I have just dug this back out of my drawer and have been using it over the past week or so and I have totally fallen back in love with it! It smells amazing (and like Christmas to me as I was using it around that time last year!), it's still quite lightweight on the skin yet provides the most beautiful moisture and gets dull 'winter skin' glowing again. 

What are your top Autumn/Winter skincare picks?

Abbie x



  1. I need to try the Liz Earle range, so many people rave about it!
    Aleeha xXx

    1. You so do! It smells beautiful and so fresh- I love it!

  2. I really need to get into face oils. I'm petrified of them causing breakouts though. Think I'll give this Body Shop one a try and hope for the best!


    1. My skin is quite prone to breakouts and I found this Body Shop one fine! Obviously everyone's different so I hope it works for you!! x


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